Our friend, Ted
Most of the donations we get from students consist of clothing, cookware, textbooks- typical things that college students have in their apartments. One of our student donors in 2022, however, had a unique and rather large donation for us when we arrived to collect her items… a giant teddy bear!

We loaded Ted in the car and brought him back to our sorting facility where he quickly became a mascot of sorts for the Move Out team. He sat right in the main room as our volunteers sorted alongside him and of course was the star of the show in many of our photos.

As the project cycle started to come to an end, however, we started to worry about where we might actually donate Ted to. We knew that a giant teddy bear could serve a purpose in the right situation, but finding that home would be difficult. Luckily, when picking up other items from our facility for their organization, our partners at The Children’s Home said that they knew just the place: their Pediatrician’s office! They strapped Ted back in the car and he was taken to the office where he serves as a comforting friend for children visiting the doctor.
Since Ted has found his new calling, he has been on quite an adventure! See below to view a special project our friends at The Children’s Home put together for the MOP team to thank us for connecting them to Ted.