Maybe you live far away from Binghamton and have to consolidate all of your items into a singular vehicle when you move out. Maybe you have accumulated stuff while in college that you no longer have a use for. Maybe you got stuck with items your roommate left behind when they moved out earlier than you. No matter the reason you’re deciding to donate, we appreciate your desire to keep these items out of the landfill and donate them back into the community. We know that the end of the semester can be stressful, which is why the MOP team is here to help you find your items a good home in the most convenient way for you.

MOP works with a variety of donation partners who accept a wide array of items as donations. We have spent the last few years curating and expanding our list of donation partners to not only reach more people, but to increase the variety of items we’re able to accept from student donors. However, there are some items that we simply are not able to donate to our partners, and thus we cannot accept. When preparing to donate during May move out, please review our list of accepted/unaccepted items.
Off-campus students (Binghamton University & SUNY Broome)
May 6-24 | Pick-up or Drop-off appointments
Sign up for a pick-up appointment time slot and someone will contact you to confirm. Students may also drop off their items at our facility, but an appointment must be made in advance.
NOTE: Students must sign up 3 days in advance to guarantee a pick-up appointment.